When I Met a Little Goddess

As another year begins to unfold,
the melodies of the last Christmas carols reverberate afresh,
I reminisce a year of Earth’s twirling,
shining and bedimming.
A few days sparked brighter than the others, making my eyes glimmer.
It wasn’t Lord Surya rising from oblivion,
that transformed my moist Kṛṣṇa eyes Swarna,
rather it was a Lady who nighed in front of me,
time and again.
A little Goddess is what the world calls her.
Not for her obvious allure and sensibility.
For she leaves her passerby awed, with her grace.
On a chill December evening, I met thee,
Fascinating! I said to myself.
After a long schism, I praised the Gods,
who played their game of dice for me to have met you.
Every time you recite my name,
I am charmed by a divine heavenly magic,
which not even the Patronus spell could defend.
What is eternity? A thousand years?
or one incredible moment,
when you and I gaze,
when time ticks languidly like a subsiding quartz oscillation.
Over the years I wished,
if I had known you more,
and if you had known me more,
what if this and that happened?
I wonder!
The tryst of two mystical spirits was brief,
like two shooting stars swirling past,
from infinity to infinity.
Alas, the brief convene did indeed brighten up the Milky Way.
Isn’t that what Gods and Goddesses do?
Appear once, here and there, leaving a lasting impression,
plentiful to carry on for a lifetime.
Abraham, Moses, Mohammed and I can blissfully say,
lo and behold! I too have witnessed the illumination, rejoice!
You could be far away,
across continents,
separated by air, water and earth.
But no seas and roads are distant when memories are next door,
in the temporal lobes.
No matter how far away or so close you are,
I cherish thee and wish you to grow and prosper,
now and always.
For isn’t that what matters after all?
On to the next twirl the Earth goes.
The mighty sphere of dreams awaits tenaciously,
through tides and tranquil,
through jingle bells and alarm bells,
longing for the gods to play another game of dice,
for another tryst with Lady Hailey’s comet once again.
On to the next trek I go, hoping to resurrect
will I be charmed once again, before the next Christmas carols?
Only time will tell.
Until another time we meet, winter or summer,
on a pale blue or a pastel green planet,
in the Milky Way or the Nebula,
a merry merry Christmas to you.