Thanks for taking your time to have this discussion Gayathri. Really appreciate it!
Yes, I might have gotten out of the topic, apologies.
Men who fought did indeed break shackles. It was shackles of death, survival, fear and self doubt.
I consider that women of exceptional lives lived in all ages. I hear about tales of my own great great grandmother who fought against the injustice of then society although she could have opted not to. Why we don't see these records in the book? Well I think, regretfully, most popular historians happened to be men, else women couldn't pursue and publish books as they could do today.
Things are changing now. Past hasn't been kind enough to everybody. Various genders aren't content with their past, countries regret their past, even some Gods do. But how long will we reiterate it. I would like to believe we live in interesting times were anything is possible for any genders, countries and Gods. We are witnessing an age were men and women, at least a few to begin with, are holding hands to grow together. It isn't perfect. But the world's getting there.
With regard to protests and movements, I am not a staunch believer in that. Protests and movements are conventional wisdoms still being followed by homosapiens. I believe its never the best way to fight. All it gives is a false sense of progress and triumph. Movements should just be a by-product of someone's action and not the main cause in itself. Actually doing what someone wants or actually living by it is the best way. Rest will fall it's way, if it's even meant to be.