It is absolutely unfair, I agree. But it's the harsh verity of the world that anybody could have achieved anything close to glory only if they were ambitious enough. Again, I'm reinstating that this isn't applicable only for women but all mankind, whether black, white, yellow or brown. I can't find any men and women that I look up to, who haven't broken the shackles of doubt, fear and social conditioning. I deeply appreciate, men and women who defend and shatter those chains of hindrances, if not, life will simply be in a state of inertia. I simply don't understand how mankind grieve for men and women who merely hope for a better life but does nothing, however, I wail in anguish and rejoice in affinity for the brave hearted souls, and those drops of ale I shed aren't crocodile tears, but phonenix tears. This simply was my POV.
Yes, you said it right there, the women who defy those comditining such as the works of Tale of Genji. Men had to defy norms before they became customary so does women. It isn't easy. That's the way universe has been to all lives.
When women question theirs missing contributions in the pristine chapels and gallaries, I feel their plight. When will there be a day when an immaculate chapel is designed and built by a lady or a sublime national art gallery. There could be women close to the artistry of Da Vinci, Rushdie or mastery of Galellio, Vasco da Gama and the like.. But how many women have opted to ride along a path of pain, suffering and viciousness of the society, although they could have been multi skilled and talented? For the ones that endured and stood up, Rosa Parks to Indira Gandhi to Austen, they are still with us, much loved and treasured.
I wish the world was kind, to all men and women, to reward them for what they are, for what want and for what they do.
Our world is a paradise, it's beautiful, no denial, but only for the destroyer of shackles, for men and women, for Shiva and Shakti. Others merely continue to exist, as a speck amongst a dune of sand :)