Not entirely related to your memoir but felt like sharing this though.
Purely from my personal experience, women, whether in Ja-pan or pan-universe can accomplish whatever they want. It's just that most of them have never been ambitious enough. At least most women that I've come across from my limited life experience. Any women that showed a bit of bravery has always touched the stars. Women speak for their ostracism, and it's absolutely true, I am with them. But I see very few ladies actually taking steps to dream and make it happen. The hard truth is most women, again this is strictly my view point, seek comfort and contentment more than struggles and drudgery. Yet they ponder why their collective past hasn't been glorious enough or equivalent to men. Do not misunderstand me as a misogynistic but the only way for men or women to personal nirvana is to find their ikigai and just keep swimming towards it. It's when they stop and fret in between that they question the way of life, society and universe. For men and/or women, the world has never been a takamagahara. Price for great ambition and glory is priceless. Grass is never green on the other side, for men and for women.
Btw thanks for the wonderful read :)